Grandpa Butler has been with us the past week, and it has been magical seeing the relationship between grandfather and grandson develop. They absolutely love each other, to put it mildly! So many new things (new toys, new experiences, new songs, new ways of being held, the list goes on...) have come into Evan's life since Grandpa came, and we treasure each of these.
Evan waits for Grandpa to arrive.
Grandpa sees Evan for the first time.
Three generations
The first of many wonderful conversations these three will share...

Grandpa holds Evan for the first time.

Thank you, Grandpa!
One of the great lessons of parenthood I have learned is that each person in our family gives something different and unique to Evan, and the combination of all of these is vital for Evan in his development. I am deeply grateful for my community (my family and extended family especially) for this, and I see more than ever how important it was for me. I am so happy to see Evan discovering all of these amazing people who love him so much! It's only the beginning!
We're off to Aix-en-Provence in the morning for our first out-of-town adventure with Evan!