Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Super smiles...

Mark and I are headed out of town to explore the UK for the next week and a half. Before we take off, I want to leave you with a few Evan smiles...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tonic Boy!

We were sitting at a cafe this morning when we met a family who had a baby who was just a little bigger than Evan. At the time, Evan was bouncing on my lap. The mother noticed this and asked how old Evan was. We said 4 months, 3 weeks, and she responded in surprise, saying "Il et trés tonique!" ("he is very tonic!). Evan's doctor has said this about Evan as well, and it's definitely true that Evan has been interested in his body from the very first day. He has a very strong and agile body, can hold his own weight on his feet for long periods of time, and will soon be sitting up on his own I think.

When we got home this afternoon, Evan took one of his moves to a whole new level. For a few weeks, he's been jumping off the edge of the couch (Mark taught him this). Today, he added a few steps to his jump. With our help for balance, he's already taking his first steps! You can imagine our pride!!!

Here is some video I caught of the moment. I took it sideways, and once I loaded it into the computer, I didn't know how to edit it to make it right side up. Any advice you may have to right it would be appreciated! For now, I suggest turning your head sideways! Hehe! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

The hat post...

I've been meaning to do this post for a very long time. Evan was given a very nice English cap (thanks Sara!!) as a birthday present. He wears it as handsomely as his dad wears his!

Like father like son, such a handsome duo! This was taken in May...

These pics were taken just two days ago. Alas, the hat was a little tight... I will miss seeing Evan wearing it!

This hat got some very fun attention around town. My favorite was when, as we were disembarking from the tram, an elderly French gentleman with a tan cap very similiar to Evan's, gave a big chuckle and pointed out Evan to his wife, who also smiled hugely.

Thankfully, Evan is a very lucky boy. He may have grown out of this cap, but thanks to some other admirers (thanks Jean, Monina, Naoko, Esther, and Virginia!!), Evan has another hat that's just beginning to fit him.

The blue brings out his eyes.

Three generations!! It's in Evan's genes to look so good in his hat(s)!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Before and after...

I was recently going through Evan's clothes, sorting out the stuff he's grown out of. The hat in the following pictures is a good example:

One week old:


Here's another before and after, this time with Evan's swing.

Two weeks old:

Evan would only tolerate his swing for short moments, and we were wondering if our purchase was worth it (baby swings are expensive here).

Two days ago:

Evan loves his swing now! I like the intense look of concentration in the last photo, like he's trying to land an airplane or something.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random bits of cuteness...

A fun moment from earlier today (this is probably my favorite Evan-smile ever captured in a photograph!).

He loves to suck on his feet while he's getting a bath!

He stands like a pro!

Freya standing guard over a sleeping Evan...

Could this be a sign?


Does this mean that I am destined to be a soccer mom?

Mark's away at a conference again this week, so you will probably see my blog-posting rate increase dramatically in the coming days!

Thursday, August 6, 2009