Friday, May 16, 2008

Another day in Mark's quest for understanding...

As many of you know, the whole reason we are now living in France is thanks to Mark's incredible dedication to his studies. He is deeply driven to understand the world--hence the math, physics, chemistry, latin, ancient greek..... This desire for understanding led him to want to live in another country and speak the language, and so, for the last few years, Mark has been studying French (largely self-taught), and he now speaks it well enough that we can conduct our lives in France. It's incredible!

If there is something that he doesn't understand and wants to, he doesn't forget about it. Instead, he writes it down to remind himself to pick it up again at a later time. Well, he recently made good on his intention to begin to understand....ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. In the antiquities section of the Musee des Beaux Arts last weekend, Mark, for the first time, recognized symbols, sounds, and words carved into the ancient stone!

Since moving to France has been such a great experience, we're thinking of trying to move to Ancient Egypt next! After all, Mark's learning the language! I'm sure we'll be fine. I'll miss the pastries, though...

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