Saturday, May 2, 2009

Before and after...

This photo was taken by ultrasound about 5 weeks before Evan was born:

And in this photo, taken in the hospital, he strikes a very similiar pose (though he is lying on his other side)!

I recognized many of the same movements Evan made once he was outside the womb because he did the same things inside the womb! It's one of the many things that makes me feel like I've known him forever.

It's been a very busy week. I got all set up to donate my milk to the lactarium for premature infants, Evan had his one-month doctor's appointment, and we took him to the US consulate and signed him up for a social security number, passport, and American citizenship! Tomorrow, we hope to take him on his first picnic!


Senegal Daily said...

Wow - I'm really impressed! And I'm so happy that you're going to donate breast milk. That's awesome.

We're Velo'ving on the quai and the Parc tomorrow. Any chance you'll be in one of those 2 places?

mallena said...

I didn't know you could donate breast milk. That's fantastic! Hopefully you're picnic will go well tomorrow. What a great age to become an American citizen; no test taking!