Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How does the time fly?...

My my, it's been a week since I last posted anything! I was doing so well...

I don't have time for much, but wanted to give at least a couple of photos I took yesterday:

Evan gazes at some hanging toys (he's just starting to be interested in such things)

Evan sucks his thumb! I feel very proud of this little guy. We saw him sucking his thumb on the last ultrasound we had of him, but when he was born, he seemed to have trouble finding his thumb. He found it for the first time yesterday (the 6-week anniversary of his birth)! Yea for Evan! My sister Tonya and I sucked our thumbs to ripe old ages, and I remember Mom being concerned about this and encouraging us to stop (don't worry, I did eventually stop)! Hopefully Evan won't take after me in this regard.


Ngân Đàm said...

I have some photos of Evan and Heloise for you guys! But nothing as adorable as this thumb sucking photo. I want his little fingers!!

Hope Mark's Dad landed safely today :)

mallena said...

How is it that Evan keeps getting cuter and cuter? Must be the genes.

Jeff and Sharon said...

Evan is indeed a cutie! AND....it looks like he might grow up to be a Startrek fan, since he is giving the "live long and prosper" sign with the fingers which are attached to that thumb!