Thursday, September 24, 2009

A view into Evan's world...

As all parents know too well, naptime is really a race to get as much done as possible on a time clock (the time clock being that moment when your kid wakes up), only you don't know how long the clock is set for. On this particular occasion, Mark was trying to finish an exciting chapter in his novel. Evan woke up crying during the climax, and Mark went to fetch him from the dark, scary bedroom...

Evan was pretty groggy, so Mark hopped on the chance to read a few more lines...

...but it was no use.

#@!$%%#, Evan is crying and awake from his nap! Be back later...


Senegal Daily said...

Kendra! That foul mouth of yours ;)

Doug and Mallena said...

My kids always stopped napping around age one. They'd just go, go, go, until they collapsed. It usually ended up about dinner time.