Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy 1-month Birthday!

Today Evan is one month old. I took him to his one-month pediatrician appointment, and he is 11.7 pounds now, and has grown 3 cm in length. He is as healthy and as strong as can be. Hooray!

I was doing pretty well with my picture-a-day goal, but then things got busy (appointments galore this week). We managed to capture a few moments, though...

Mark's colleagues gave us a surprise baby shower this week! Evan was quite colicky at the time when we were going to go, so we ended up staying home. Later, when Mark came home with all the gifts, I couldn't believe we had missed it. Awful! :( This is a play mat that was given to us that day.

He immediately fell asleep as soon as I placed him on the mat. Good sign!

A moment from yesterday afternoon...


Sara said...

I like the cat on your legs. You look kind of trapped. :)

mallena said...

The mat is so cute! I can't believe Evan is a month old. My how time flies! We need to see some crying pictures, I'm starting to not believe you about him being colicky. He always looks sound asleep and angelic. ;) Than again, maybe I don't want to see pictures. Miriam was the same way, and seeing pictures may send me back down a memory land that I don't want to visit again.

I went to Boise last weekend with my sister and mother-in-law. When we drove past Glenns Ferry I thought of you and all those good summer trips I used to take with Grandma to see you. this is a pleasant memory lane, full of trees, flowers, and happy things.

Cheryl said...

I really must see you guys soon! He (and you) look wonderful.