Friday, April 17, 2009

Evan has a belly button!

Just moments ago, during a routine diaper change, I saw that Evan's umbilical cord had fully separated from his little belly. Being the proud mother that I am, of course I think that his little belly button underneath is the cutest in the world! Hooray for Evan!!

Evan is now 18 days old. We can't believe how fast he is growing up already. Soon he'll be 3 weeks, and I know 3 years is just around the corner, then 30... Just like everyone has been saying would happen, life is indeed accelerating.

A few photos...

little feet...big foot (well, not that big)...entertaining myself late at night at the hospital...

This was taken just a few hours before we left the hospital...

Still getting used to bath far, 3 baths down, and he only cried during one of them

Evan tries to decide if he likes the swing his parents got for him

Naptime (look at his cute little fingers!)

Relaxing with Awnt Ruth, who is visiting this week. They love each other!!!

Dancing with Awnt Ruth...

And this photo taken just this morning, modeling the hat that was made for him by his cousin Jenna (thanks, Jenna, we LOVE the little hat!!! He's the only baby in France with a hat so cool!!)

More photos to come...Ruth took some of the best photos excited to share!



Terry said...

Get me on the next plane to Lyon! These photos may be my favorite so far. Thanks, Awnt Ruth. Thanks, Mark. Thank YOU, Kendra. I love you, Evan. I'll see you soon!
--Dad and Grandpa Butler

MasonLeskowitz said...

Ouch! Mark, make sure you shave the next time you come near that baby! Hey, wives and babies truly appreciate a smooooth shave! (I know, I know - you probably had been at the hospital round the clock with no razor access - we understand :) )
Seriously - Evan is a beautiful boy - in all the pictures on the Evan Marc blog he looks just like his dad, he really does. Until the last one, where to my eye, there is just a whisp of a smile and then, there is all the joy that is Kendra.
You have a house full - I'm glad that there are an extra pair of helping hands available.
Will write more soon - just remember the 3 B's - boob, butt, burp - one of those will almost always sooth a crying baby! (Boob as in {breast}feed, butt as in diaper change, and burp as in pick him up, hold him tight and pat his bottom to help all the bubbles rise to the top!) I had post it notes with these written on them and posted all around the apartment when I had Nathaniel. He would cry and I would go blank, until Gary would suggest one of these!
Mary, Gary and the boys

mallena said...

Yay! I was so excited to see more pictures. It's amazing how they grow so fast. I'm glad you're able to have some extra hands with you. It's always nice to sneak in an extra nap. I can't attest to this myself. With my first I was too busy staring at her while she napped, I couldn't force myself to close my eyes.