Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Before and after...

I was recently going through Evan's clothes, sorting out the stuff he's grown out of. The hat in the following pictures is a good example:

One week old:


Here's another before and after, this time with Evan's swing.

Two weeks old:

Evan would only tolerate his swing for short moments, and we were wondering if our purchase was worth it (baby swings are expensive here).

Two days ago:

Evan loves his swing now! I like the intense look of concentration in the last photo, like he's trying to land an airplane or something.


Sara said...

In that last photo I think he is trying to figure out how to grab those toys with his feet. (He does kind of look like he is trying to land a plane, too) :) He really has grown! :)

Senegal Daily said...

Wow! He really is growing TOO fast! Thanks for the photos so we can keep up with him.

Doug and Mallena said...

These pictures really show Evan's growth. Isn't it amazing what can happen in four months. I wish sometimes that life had a rewind and pause button.

Jeff and Sharon said...

Great Pics! We think he could easily become a pilot and land planes, as long as he does it with his feet! :o)
Jeff and Sharon