Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tonic Boy!

We were sitting at a cafe this morning when we met a family who had a baby who was just a little bigger than Evan. At the time, Evan was bouncing on my lap. The mother noticed this and asked how old Evan was. We said 4 months, 3 weeks, and she responded in surprise, saying "Il et trés tonique!" ("he is very tonic!). Evan's doctor has said this about Evan as well, and it's definitely true that Evan has been interested in his body from the very first day. He has a very strong and agile body, can hold his own weight on his feet for long periods of time, and will soon be sitting up on his own I think.

When we got home this afternoon, Evan took one of his moves to a whole new level. For a few weeks, he's been jumping off the edge of the couch (Mark taught him this). Today, he added a few steps to his jump. With our help for balance, he's already taking his first steps! You can imagine our pride!!!

Here is some video I caught of the moment. I took it sideways, and once I loaded it into the computer, I didn't know how to edit it to make it right side up. Any advice you may have to right it would be appreciated! For now, I suggest turning your head sideways! Hehe! Enjoy!


Senegal Daily said...

I see a baby workout DVD series called 'Evan the Tonic!'in his future :)

Jeff and Sharon said...

So, not just soccer, but Basketball too? :o)

Doug and Mallena said...

WOW!!! It looks like you'll have to start the whole baby proofing thing early----REALLY early! :) Way to go Evan!