Monday, November 24, 2008

A boy or a girl... What do you think???

Well, we had our 5th month ultrasound today! What a wonder it is to have a short glimpse into the world of our little one, and what a blessing it is to discover that our lil'Lentil is completely healthy. In fact, this baby is big for size--in the 90th percentile! Eish! The due date, based only on the ultrasound, was put at the 22nd of March (rather than the 26th) we'll see.

And...we found out the gender...though it seems we forgot it already! Could you help us out? Look at the photos below, take your best guess, and leave a comment (or send us an email)! He!he!

One of my favorite discoveries of the morning...lil' Lentil has Mark's feet! That is, a middle toe that is significantly longer than the big toe. The radiologist called it a "Greek foot," though according to Mark it's often called "runner's foot."

What a 23-week pregnant Kendra looks like...

Freya loves to rest her head on my large abdomen.

Answers coming very soon, I promise!!!!


Anonymous said...

Is it a boy?

Sara said...

I can't believe you would leave me in suspense like this! Ahhhhh! I'm going to look at the pictures some more.

Senegal Daily said...

Where is Jonathan when I need him??? He's taken a tons of medical imagery courses!!

I'm afraid I'm not able to make an educated guess.


Anonymous said...

Well, judging from the results found in your brothers' families, I would say that the odds are about 10 to 1 that it's a boy!


Ngân Đàm said...

I am sticking to my previous guess that it's a girl :-). TELL TELL TELL PLEASE!!!


The Hofers said...

The U/S pic "profil OPN" is fantastic. That sweet lil profile of lil L's face melted my heart! Sooooo amazing. Unfortunately, I have no idea if this precious baby is a boy or a girl :( What I am most excited about is that this baby is healthy and on track to make his/her debut in March :) I hope I wake up to "the answer" email tomorrow :)

Amanda Bruesch said...

I am guessing a girl!!!!

Doug and Mallena said...

You'd think with two kids I'd be able to understand these pictures a little better. :) I was able to pick out the spine, the brain, and what could possibly be the tooshy. I don't know why, but the spine pictures always fascinate me.

Oh yes, I'm supposed to take a guess at the gender. Hmmmmm.....I'm always wrong, but I'm going to say a GIRL!

Now when do we get to find out for real? I'm dying of suspense. This is worse than Christmas suspense! :)