Friday, March 13, 2009

What's your guess??

I've set up a guessing game for lil' Garbanzo's birth stats. You can guess his date of birth, weight, length, etc. I already entered my guess, and you can see that I think he's going to be a big baby. According to an ultrasound three weeks ago, he was already 7 pounds, and I'm much bigger now! What do you think? Is the ultrasound believable?

To play: go to

In the box on the upper left, under "Invited Guests" enter the words: GarbanzoButler

This will take you right to the game, and you shouldn't have to register or anything like that to play.

Can't wait to see who's closest!


mallena said...

I made my guess! I hope I'm wrong on everything!

Ngân Đàm said...

I didn't look at your guess and only after entering mine, realized that I basically duplicated yours hehe...At least birth time is differen!!
